When should you ideally take a test to screen for Cancer?

Most of you can notice visible symptoms to let you know that you have been infected with Cancer. The body uses various warning signals to let you know that you have been impacted with the deadly disease.

Do you know what these warning signs are? In this blog, you will understand what are the symptoms your body throws to let you know that you have been infected with some kind of Cancer.

1. Formation of lumps or moles

Do you notice a mole on your body that you had never seen before? Or, do you have an unusual lump of skin thronging across any part of your body? Then, this is the most visible symptom the body tells you on the formation of Cancer. It is always advisable that you approach a cancer screening center in India to have yourself checked.

2. Unexplained loss of weight

Cancer cells multiply and divide at an alarming pace and adversely impacts the overall DNA of human anatomy. Therefore, the good cells of your have to spend double the effort to fight against cancer calls. In this process, the overall immune system of your body weakens thoroughly. Therefore, you lose weight without any effort.

3. Excessive fatigue

As the healthy RBCs (Red Blood Cells) and WBCs (White Blood Cells) constantly fight against cancer-infected cells, your body feels weak and tired all the time. Extreme fatigue is thus an indicator of Cancer.

4. Blood in stools

You may experience incessant bouts of vomiting or diarrhea as the Cancer progresses through its initial stages. Sometimes, you may witness traces of blood inside your stools. Intestinal or Pancreatic Cancers cause such symptoms.

5. Breathing trouble

A Lung Cancer causes persistent difficulties in breathing. You may have shortness of breath or hoarseness in breathing. Then, this is a symptom of Cancer.


You can approach a screening center and get yourself screened if you have one of these symptoms. Going in for a cancer surgery in Faridabad might be a good option for recovery.


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