Six different types of oncologists and their responsibilities

Cancer is one of most fatal diseases. There are numerous types of cancer, some of those spread in slow-speed where many cancers grow at a high speed. In many countries including India, the best treatment is available to give a tough competition to this dangerous health condition.

At the initial stage, the cancer is not that dangerous and can be cured with some medication courses or minor surgery. In the case of late detection, cancer can reach a critical stage and can affect more parts and tissues of the body. The doctor who treats cancer is called an oncologist. You may find leading and experienced oncologists in Faridabad. There are many types of oncologists to treat cancer depending on its condition, age group, and many other factors. Below are six types of oncologists:
  • Medical oncologist: The medical oncologist gives treatment through medication and therapies. They first reduce the discomfort of cancer patients by treating the symptoms. Chemotherapy, biological and hormonal therapies are given to cancer patients by medical oncologists.
  • Radiation oncologist: Radiation oncologist uses photon beams to destroy the cancerous cells. Maximum cancer patients have to contact a radiation oncologist at a particular stage of cancer.
  • Surgical oncologist: After the detection of cancer that needs surgical treatment to remove cancer, surgical oncologist performs the surgery. Surgical oncologists cut particular cancer-affected areas. There is a superior cancer surgeon in Faridabad.
  • Pediatric oncologist: A specialize child doctor in pediatric oncology is called a pediatric oncologist. They are also responsible for providing counseling to the parents of younger cancer patients.
  • Gynecologic oncologist: Ladies are suffering from some very serious types of cancers such as cervical cancer, ovarian cancer, vaginal cancer, and uterine cancer. A gynecologic oncologist is responsible for curing these types of cancers.
  • Hematology oncologist: All types of blood cancer is treated by hematology oncologists. 
The above-mentioned oncologists are specialists in their respective fields. So the cancer patients may contact the suitable oncologist as per their cancer type.


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