Three Main Causes of Oral Cancer You Should Be Aware Of

There are many misconceptions about oral cancer due to which at times it goes unnoticed and causes severe problems among the patients. Few people believe that the cancer of the mouth is only oral cancer but in reality, this cancer includes throat cancer also. Our mouth, gums, tissue linings, and tongue are the areas where oral cancer starts developing. Every year a large number of patients are diagnosed with mouth cancer. The people of the age group 40 or plus are the major target of this cancer type.  A deep study says that 85 percent of mouth cancer cases were just because of the habit of chewing tobacco, HPV infection, alcohol, and smoking.

Below are the three most common causes of mouth cancer:
  • Wrong brushing habits: Sometimes people don't pay attention to the cleanliness of their mouth and throat. This negligence becomes a big reason for the development of cancerous tissues in the mouth and backside of the throat area. Brushing and gargling for proper cleaning of our entire mouth is very important. This cleanliness protects us from infections and cancerous tissue development.
  • Tobacco, alcohol, and other similar habits: The intake of tobacco in any method can be the biggest cause of oral cancer. Sometimes people become addicted to drinking alcohol which is also a reason for oral cancer. Cancer specialists and researchers are working hard to treat various types of oral cancers but the patients also need to be careful. For the most experienced oral cancer specialist, Faridabad is the best place.
  • Sun exposure: Some of the mouth cancers such as lip cancer is caused by direct sun exposure. So, try to stay protected from direct sun contact. Sun exposure is the biggest cause of skin cancer. People who work in sunlight need to wear sun protection masks to save themselves from oral cancer.
Patients suffering from oral cancer are advised to stay away from unhealthy habits like chewing tobacco and alcohol consumption. If you are under medication, make sure you complete your course properly and follow the instructions of your doctor.


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