Risks and Requirement of Regular Screening of Lung Cancer
A diagnosis process which is used to detect lung cancer is known as lung cancer screening. Lung cancer can be found in a healthy-looking person. It becomes hard to judge the patient that he or she is suffering from lung cancer. In such a state we need a reliable source to screen out this disease. Requirement : Doctors have found the requirement of this screening test for lung cancer because it was quite difficult to check. The patients suffering from lung cancer were reaching the critical stage and difficulty level was so high in treating at that stage with good success ratio. Now after lung cancer screening tests availability this disease is detectable at an early stage also. Highly upgraded lung cancer screening in Faridabad is available for lung cancer patients. Where lung cancer screening supports effective treatment by early detection, there are several risks also. Below are some risks of lung cancer screening: Exposure to radiation : Going through a lung cancer screen...