Five Easy Steps for Self-Breast Examine
Breast cancer is reaching a big number of affected patients. The females are mainly affected by this dangerous disease. The reason why this number has increased is, females always neglect their health. They give special attention to the health of their family but when it comes to them, they become careless. Now numerous breast cancer specialists are engaged in treating and spreading awareness about this disease. Females must be very caring for themselves because their entire family needs them a lot. To fight with breast cancer their awareness can support. Below are five easy steps which can help females in self-examine their breast: Step .1. In step one, you need to check your breast in front of a mirror with straight shoulders. Here you need to check the size, shape, color, distortion, or swelling, dimpling and more. You need to check the position of the nipple also. If you find the nipple pushed inside that means you need to consult a doctor immediately. Redness, rashes and ot...